Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bit of a story behind this one.... a few weeks ago Nic and I hiked up to the base of Seoninbong, a peak within Seoul, with the Korean members of the bouldering club we're with. After a humbling, but spectacularly moonlit slab training climb, we headed down to the campsite where for the evening. This table spread was the focal point of a mountain Shamanism ceremony staged later that evening.
This particular ceremony involved invoking mountain spirits with offerings of korean food dishes, Makoli (rice wine, lots of it) and money, which in paper envelopes was stuffed into the pig's mouth and ears. In gaining the favour of the mountain we request safe climbs, celebrate the companionship of mountaineering, and delve into fateful dialogue with nature. With the spirits on our side I safely multipitched the peak the next afternoon, with a team of perhaps the most accomplished moutaineers on the Peninsula. Mr Jung placed second in X-game climbing in the late 90's, behind one of Canada's most visionary climbers, Will Gadd. Jung and the others will be in Northern Pakistan in May to free the Trango Towers -so while Seoninbong was a challenging first multipitch for me, it was a hazy sunday cakewalk for them.

Easter Sunday climbing at Kanyeon, about a 2 hour train ride South and East of Seoul, near the city of Wonju.

The end of another full weekend in South Korea. Exhausted as I was at this point (still ahead of a 2 hour train ride on the floor), this really beats lying around after a night of Soju Koolaid in the big city.


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